Prime Numbers - the Search and the Discovery

The main mathematical news

1976: The use of prime numbers in cryptography.

2008: The discovery of the first prime number with more than 10 million digits.

2018: The discovery of the 51th Mersenne prime with more than 24 million digits.

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Additional Theorems / conjectures / Open questions

* There are infinitely many prime numbers.

* Mersenne’s (refuted) conjecture: 2p-1 is prime for p=2,3,5,7,13,17,19,31,67,127,257

* Is the set of Mersenne primes infinite?

* Many Mersenne numbers are composite.

* Many primes aren’t Mersenne numbers.

* The number M of the form M=n2-n+41 is prime, for any natural numbers n between 1 and 40.

* Is there a “formula” that generates all and only prime numbers???

* Perfect numbers and their relation to Mersenne Primes.

To the MNS presentation
The main mathematical concepts / Principles

Number theory (MSC2010#97F60) 

*    Prime/Composite (natural) number

*    Mersenne prime

*    perfect numbers

Logic (MSC2010#97E30) 

*    Proof by contradiction

Real life mathematics (MSC2010#97F90) 

*    Cryptography

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